
About heading

I moved to DC just under 2 years ago with my husband. As a ‘trailing spouse’, who had never even visited America (no, not even Disney World) before I agreed to live here for 18 months, I thought I’d start blogging about my experience.

In the months that followed our arrival this blog developed to cover my various interests, especially food and travel, as well as documenting my experience of settling in DC, dealing with culture shock, finding an apartment and making new friends.

Expat heading

While I don’t really like the terms ‘trailing spouse’ or ‘expat’, they are perhaps the most recognised descriptors of what I am and what I’ve been going through this past year or so. Some people refer to my position as the ‘trailing talent’, which I hope is more accurate!

I’m lucky in that I can at the moment develop my career by working from home as an ‘independent scholar’ (another term I have trouble with), and I have been able to take up research opportunities and attend conferences out here. I blog about all this in a separate blog: A Woman’s Thoughts About…

Whatever I think about the names for what I’m doing, I’ve certainly had what looks to be a fairly typical experience for expats. After a busy and exciting first few months sorting things out and getting to know DC, I succumbed to the situational depression known as ‘culture shock’. While this manifested in getting irrationally angry and shouting ‘I hate DC’ whenever a metro station was closed or I couldn’t get the right kinds of groceries, it wasn’t too bad – maybe it was even a little amusing – but after a while I realised I needed to sort it out.

And it did get sorted. I can’t really pinpoint the moment that I felt at home in DC, but it happened, and now I love it here. I get excited when I fly in to DCA now, just as I used to get excited about coming home to London.

Throughout this experience, the blogosphere has been a great resource and support providing everything from advice about what to do with your spice collection to lively debates about the negative connotations of the ‘expat’ term. You can find many of my favourite ‘expat’ sites listed in my ‘Expat and Travel’ links section. And you can find my posts about expat issues on my ‘Living/moving abroad’ page, and also via the categories: ‘Living/moving abroad’, ‘Life in America’ and (of course) ‘Culture shock’.

Eating heading

While grocery shopping and home cooking was a challenge when I first moved to DC, the experience of dining out in America has pretty much always been positive. I love American food. I love it so much that I’ve even started running so that I can keep eating. Burgers, crab cake, steak, pizza – and all the appetizers and sides – DC really does American pub/comfort food well. One thing that we’ve really taken to in DC is the brunch culture. I especially love the Mexican and Southern accents of some brunch staples – like the breakfast burrito or Cajun spiced shrimp and grits.

So while you will find posts about other aspects of life in DC – I’m British so I have written about the weather – there’s a lot more posts about the food…

Check out my ‘Food’ page and my ‘Life in America’ category if you want to read more about these aspects of my life here.

Travel heading

As we only had 18 months in the States, we realised we’d have to really pack in the trips if I was to get a true idea of America. My husband gets to travel with work so sees all the flyover states and cities, like Boisie (Idaho), Frankfort (Kentucky), or Pierre (South Dakota). You could call that the ‘real America’ but I think that’s something that everyone could spend their lives searching for. Much of my travel writing about the States is inspired by Bill Bryson’s writing, and he’s certainly someone who has searched for the essence of America, whether that lies in the perfect small town in Lost Continent or in America’s coming-of-age in One Summer: America, 1927. I don’t think I come close to finding an essence of the places I hurriedly visit, but I hope I capture a certain flavour at least. Partly because one of the ways I engage with a new place is through its food.

Other ways I’ve engaged with the various places we’ve travelled include learning about US history and getting into American music. History has been especially relevant for the East Coast areas we’ve visited, while music has been the defining aspect of our trips to Nashville (Music City) and Austin (Live Music Capital of the World).

We’re still exploring, so my collection of travel blogs on my ‘Travel’ page just keeps growing. I’ve now created a dedicated Road Trips page so that all my blog posts about our road trips – and hopefully soon some useful tips and advice – are now in one place and easy to read through. I’m also creating series to collect together our shorter trips, for example this one:

East Coast Adventures:

So – welcome to my blog!

14 thoughts on “About

  1. Hey! Thanks so much for reading my assignment today for W101. I see you are settled in DC for awhile. Where did you end up finding a place to live? Our daughter and her family live in College Park, Maryland, which is not far at all from DC. Takes them about 20 minutes to get there on the metro. Our son-in-law works for the Department of Education. It’s a cultural explosion there! Hope you like it!


  2. That’s so interesting. It’s how my original blog , then called ‘Life in Laroque’ started, when I was an English woman recently moved to France ( now it’s ‘From Pyrenees to Pennines’ https://margaret21.wordpress.com/2015/12/27/flood/.) The challenges and pleasures of day-to-day life were my theme, and it clearly struch a chord with many people. I’ve been to Canada, but not the US, so this looks like a fascinating read. Hooray for Blogging 101, I’d never have met you otherwise!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know – blogging 101 is so great for meeting people in similar situations! I very much look forward to reading about your experiences in France. One thing we miss is being close to Europe – we’re already planning trips to France and Italy for when we get back to the UK!

      Liked by 2 people

  3. The first time I moved out of my home state in California, we ended up in Maryland, and I worked in Landover, which is a town about five miles from DC. Your posts have me feeling nostalgic. Although I can’t say I felt “at home,” on the east coast, I can say that being in the DC area made me feel more at home than I have been, now that I’ve lived in New York and currently in Iowa! You are in an area with such incredible, historical places to see, and the diversity is amazing! Looking forward to reading about your adventures!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’m annoyed with myself for often missing your posts. This is because I’m pretty rubbish at keeping up with the WordPress Reader. I wonder if you’d consider including the ‘Sign up ‘ button so subscribers are advised of new postings via email?


    1. Hi there – I’ve finally got around to putting the ‘follow this blog’ widget back on my site. I did have it a while back, but then something went wrong with my widgets a couple of months ago. I thought I’d sorted it all out, but had forgotten about this one, so thanks for letting me know!


  5. I’m glad that you are enjoying your time in the United States – DC is such a great city, and I always enjoy visiting it. So many free things to do! Have you ever been to any of the free concerts at the Kennedy Center’s Millennium Stage? They offer one every night at 6:00 pm, and I try to go to one every time I come to DC. I look forward to reading more about your adventures on your blog! Best wishes, Susan

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for reminding me about the Kennedy Center. I went to quite a few of their millennium stage concerts last year, but haven’t checked them out for a while. Will have to get back into that! Love your blog – will have to spend some time exploring it. I love NYC, but my husband doesn’t, so I’ve not spent as much time there as I’d have liked to.

      Liked by 1 person

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